Success today in getting the mare and her daughter together in the same paddock, with both racing around about 10 times, or I should say chasing around! Nobody got bitten or kicked, so I hope they will start getting along better. I got the trench started for the asparagus bed today, and will plant tomorrow after filling it with horse manure mulch. I'm looking forward to selling Bear, but if he doesn't sell I'm going to keep him at the boarding facility and ride him myself next month. He seems to be doing great on hacking out on trail rides, that's what I'm good at! I also may start him on small jumps. So far, he's never tried to avoid the poles on the ground, so I don't expect any avoidance issues from him.
This plein aire painting was done several years ago,and shows a view of our farm from the neighbors barn. It was purchased by the wife of the retired conductor of the University of Kentucky's orchestra.
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