"A Good Scratch"_5x5"_oil on linen panel_available_$125This was done from a photo taken a few years ago on Russel Cave Road. I did another version of a different foal then and decided to revisit the subject. All done with a brush the size of my finger. More detail could be had with a smaller brush, but do I want more detail? The hardest part was getting just the right "swish" to the tail. Took 3 or 4 tries.
Later on, I went to the river bottom to plant our veggies. This is what I saw....

This calf is a bit turned around looking for Mom, first following the bull, then trying the mare. Where is Mom? Ahh, who cares! He took off running and kicking up his heels!


We had a planting Mothers Day today. My neighbor prepared two rows for me to plant, he wouldn't let me use the tiller, saying he could do straight rows. He did come back straightening it out! Then I spent the rest of the afternoon planting corn, beans, tomatoes, turnips, beets, radishes, eggplant, herbs, flowers,etc. All I really wanted was a tomato plant and a basil plant. This is what happens when you let your husband pick out the seeds. Where was He? Helping a neighbor block out squirrels from his house on a 50 foot ladder. They had already run them out by sprinkling moth balls in the walls. Took him all afternoon. Hmmm.