Fresh Mint at the spring

mmmm mint tea

Audrie looks for a stallion....anyone?

TV set up. Notice the ladder holding the antenna in just the right spot!

Derby Day was a cool blast from the North. I went to the spring to get fresh mint for the tea and along the way saw one of the barn swallow parents atop the house where he (or she) raised a group of babies. Maybe God was giving a hint for the Derby!
The men spent all afternoon trying to get the ATV fixed, then gave up and enjoyed the Derby.
We divied up the herd of horses, and I came up with Bird of Mine. I had picked his grandfather to win years ago, so he was a sentimental favorite. Hoooray! Just proves that a bigger horse is NOT better. "He is a good athelete" is all I can say. I won $8. Whooopie!
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