Kentucky Horse Park_8x10"_oil on canvas
The horse park has been owned by the state since the mid-seventies and has a wide variety of horses to see and also a wide variety of horse shows. People will bring their horses from across the US and the world next year for the World Equestrian Games in 2010. When I was in my early 20's we had a stable of horses in race training here, stabled in the big barn. The stalls are 16x16 feet lined with class I sand, which is basically ground up limestone. It was a real job getting the manure basket up over the top of the manure truck. Melanie and I would have to do this job together with a one-two-three heave! effort. There were many days that we would crack up laughing. Silly girls! But we were tired most of the time, and had an excuse to be silly. I remember a black quarter horse colt we had for a client who learned he could get away from us on the way to his paddock every day. We put two chains on him one under his lip, one over his nose, and he still could do it. There are so many memories for me, but most of all, was the fun my sister and I had out there, before the state bought it. It was utopia, and still is, just shared with the world, now.
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